PshedSynchronizeExecution function (ntddk.h)

The PshedSynchronizeExecution function synchronizes the execution of a given function with the hardware error processing for an error source.


NTPSHEDAPI BOOLEAN PshedSynchronizeExecution(
  [in] PKSYNCHRONIZE_ROUTINE         SynchronizeRoutine,
  [in] PVOID                         SynchronizeContext


[in] ErrorSource

A pointer to a WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes an error source.

[in] SynchronizeRoutine

A pointer to a caller-supplied function whose execution is synchronized with the hardware error processing for the error source described by the ErrorSource parameter. A SynchronizeRoutine function is declared as follows:

    _In_ PVOID  SynchronizeContext


The context value that is passed in the SynchronizeContext parameter to the PshedSynchronizeExecution function.

[in] SynchronizeContext

A pointer to a caller-supplied context area that is passed to the function pointed to by the SynchronizeRoutine parameter.

Return value

PshedSynchronizeExecution returns the value that is returned by the function pointed to by the SynchronizeRoutine parameter.


A PSHED plug-in calls the PshedSynchronizeExecution function to synchronize the execution of a given function with the hardware error processing for an error source. This is required whenever a PSHED plug-in shares resources between code that executes outside of the normal hardware error processing flow and code that executes as part of the normal hardware error processing flow. For more information about the processing of hardware errors, see Error Processing.

When this function is called, the following occurs:

  1. The IRQL is raised to the IRQL at which the low-level hardware error handler (LLHEH) for the error source executes.

  2. Access to the context area specified by the SynchronizeContext parameter is synchronized with the LLHEH by acquiring the associated spin lock.

  3. The function specified in the SynchronizeRoutine parameter is called.

Callers of the PshedSynchronizeExecution function must be running at IRQL <= DIRQL, that is, less than or equal to the IRQL at which the LLHEH for the error source executes.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header ntddk.h (include Ntddk.h)
Library Pshed.lib
DLL Pshed.dll

See also