The EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType event callback function is called by version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) to determine which data-transfer mechanism to use for the next read operation.



SERCX2_TRANSACTION_TYPE EvtSercx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType(
  [in]  WDFDEVICE Device,
  [in]  PMDL Mdl,
  [in]  ULONG Offset,
  [in]  ULONG RemainingLength,
  [out] SERCX2CUSTOMRECEIVE *CustomReceive,
  [out] PULONG NextTransactionLength


[in] Device

A WDFDEVICE handle to the framework device object that represents the serial controller. The serial controller driver created this object in its EvtDriverDeviceAdd callback function. For more information, see SerCx2InitializeDevice.

[in] Mdl

A pointer to an MDL that describes the memory pages that are spanned by the read buffer for the next receive transaction. The scatter/gather list for the DMA transfer will use the region of this memory that is specified by the Offset and Length parameters.

[in] Offset

The starting offset for the next data transfer. This parameter is a byte offset from the start of the buffer region described by the MDL. If the MDL specifies a total of N bytes of buffer space, possible values of Offset are in the range 0 to N–1.

[in] RemainingLength

The total number of bytes of data that remain to be transferred in the current read (IRP_MJ_READ) request. If the MDL specifies a total of N bytes of buffer space, possible values of Length are in the range 1 to N–Offset.

[out] CustomReceive

A pointer to a location to which the function writes the SERCX2CUSTOMRECEIVE handle to the custom-receive object. If the function returns SerCx2TransactionTypeCustom, the function must supply the object handle that the serial controller driver created in a previous call to the SerCx2CustomReceiveCreate method. If the return value is not SerCx2TransactionTypeCustom, this output value is ignored by SerCx2.

[out] NextTransactionLength

A pointer to a location to which the function writes the number of bytes to transfer in the next receive transaction. If the return value is SerCx2TransactionTypeDefault, this output value is ignored by SerCx2.

Return value

The EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType function returns a SERCX2_TRANSACTION_TYPE enumeration constant to indicate whether to use a driver-selected transaction type (programmed I/O (PIO), system DMA, or custom data transfer), or to let SerCx2 choose which transaction type to use for the next receive transaction.


Your serial controller driver can, as an option, implement this function. If implemented, the driver registers this function in the call to the SerCx2InitializeDevice method that finishes the initialization of the framework device object for the serial controller.

If your serial controller driver does not implement an EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType function, then SerCx2 always decides what type of data-transfer mechanism (PIO, system DMA, or custom) to use for the next receive transaction. SerCx2 bases its decisions on the I/O configuration information supplied by the serial controller driver. A driver that supports system-DMA-receive transactions supplies a SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure that contains this information. A driver that supports custom-receive transactions supplies a SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure that contains this information.

If your serial controller driver implements an EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType function, SerCx2 calls this function to determine what type of data-transfer mechanism (PIO, system DMA, or custom) to use for the next receive transaction. You might want to implement this function if the serial controller has special hardware capabilities that cannot adequately be described by the I/O configuration information in the SERCX2_XXX_RECEIVE_CONFIG structures.

Note  Even if a serial controller driver implements an EvtSerCx2SelectNextReceiveTransactionType function, SerCx2 uses PIO-receive transactions to perform certain types of data transfers without first calling this function.
For more information, see Overview of SerCx2 I/O Transactions.


To define an EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveSelectNextTransactionType callback function, you must first provide a function declaration that identifies the type of callback function you're defining. Windows provides a set of callback function types for drivers. Declaring a function using the callback function types helps Code Analysis for Drivers, Static Driver Verifier (SDV), and other verification tools find errors, and it's a requirement for writing drivers for the Windows operating system.

For example, to define an EvtSerCx2CustomReceiveSelectNextTransactionType callback function that is named MyCustomReceiveSelectNextTransactionType, use the EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_SELECT_NEXT_TRANSACTION_TYPE function type, as shown in this code example:


Then, implement your callback function as follows:

    WDFDEVICE  Device,
    PMDL  Mdl,
    ULONG  Offset,
    ULONG  RemainingLength,
    SERCX2CUSTOMRECEIVE  *CustomReceive,
    PULONG  NextTransactionLength

The EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_SELECT_NEXT_TRANSACTION_TYPE function type is defined in the Sercx.h header file. To more accurately identify errors when you run the code analysis tools, be sure to add the Use_decl_annotations annotation to your function definition. The Use_decl_annotations annotation ensures that the annotations that are applied to the EVT_SERCX2_CUSTOM_RECEIVE_SELECT_NEXT_TRANSACTION_TYPE function type in the header file are used. For more information about the requirements for function declarations, see Declaring Functions by Using Function Role Types for KMDF Drivers. For more information about Use_decl_annotations, see Annotating Function Behavior.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 8.1.
Target Platform Desktop
Header sercx.h

See also








