
The !ks.allstreams extension walks the entire device tree and finds every kernel streaming device in the system.

!ks.allstreams [Flags] [Level] 


Optional. Specifies the kind of information to be displayed. Flags can be any combination of the following bits. The default value is 0x1:

Bit 0 (0x1)
Causes the display to include streams.

Bit 2 (0x4)
Causes the display to include proxy instances.

Bit 3 (0x8)
Causes the display to include queued IRPs.

Bit 4 (0x10)
Causes the display to include an unformatted display of all streams.

Bit 5 (0x20)
Causes the display to include an unformatted display of all stream formats.

Optional. Specifies the level of detail to display on a 0-7 scale with progressively more information displayed for higher values. To display all available details, supply a value of 7.


Windows 2000


Windows XP and later


Additional Information

For more information, see Kernel Streaming Debugging.


This command can take some time to execute (a minute is not unusual).

Here is an example of the !ks.allstreams display:

kd> !allstreams 
6 Kernel Streaming FDOs found:
    Functional Device 82a17690 [\Driver\smwdm]
    Functional Device 8296eb08 [\Driver\wdmaud]
    Functional Device 82490388 [\Driver\sysaudio]
    Functional Device 82970cb8 [\Driver\MSPQM]
    Functional Device 824661b8 [\Driver\MSPCLOCK]
    Functional Device 8241c020 [\Driver\avssamp]