WDI_TLV_P2P_DISCOVER_MODE (dot11wificxtypes.hpp)


This topic is part of the WiFiCx driver model. WiFiCx is the Wi-Fi driver model released in Windows 11. We recommend that you use WiFiCx to take advantage of the latest features. The previous Wi-Fi driver model WDI is in maintenance mode and will only receive high priority fixes.

WDI_TLV_P2P_DISCOVER_MODE is a TLV that contains Wi-Fi Direct discovery mode information for OID_WDI_TASK_P2P_DISCOVER.

TLV Type



The sum (in bytes) of the sizes of all contained elements.


Type Description
WDI_P2P_DISCOVER_TYPE (UINT32) The type of discovery to be performed by the port.
UINT8 A flag that indicates if a complete device discovery is required. Valid values are 0 (not required) and 1 (required). If this flag is set to 0, a partial discovery may be performed.
WDI_P2P_SCAN_TYPE (UINT32) The type of scan to be performed by the port in scan phase.
WDI_P2P_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_TYPE (UINT32) The type of Service Discovery to be performed.
UINT8 The scan repeat count. Specifies if the full scan procedure should be repeated. If set to 0, the scan should be repeated until the task is aborted by the host.
UINT32 The time between scans. If the scan repeat count is not set to 1, this time specifies how long (in milliseconds) device should wait before repeating the scan procedure after completing a full scan of the requested channels.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 11
Minimum supported server Windows ServerĀ 2022
Header dot11wificxtypes.hpp