Attaching the WSK Client to the WSK Subsystem

After a Winsock Kernel (WSK) application has registered with the Network Module Registrar (NMR) as a client of the WSK NPI, the NMR immediately calls the application's ClientAttachProvider callback function if the WSK subsystem is loaded and has registered itself with the NMR. If the WSK subsystem is not registered with the NMR, the NMR does not call the application's ClientAttachProvider callback function until the WSK subsystem registers with the NMR.

The WSK application should make the following sequence of calls to complete the attachment procedure.

  1. When the NMR calls the WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function, it passes a pointer to the NPI_REGISTRATION_INSTANCE structure associated with the WSK subsystem. The WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function can use the data passed to it by the NMR to determine if it can attach to the WSK subsystem. Typically, a WSK application only needs the version information contained within a WSK_PROVIDER_CHARACTERISTICS structure that is pointed to by the NpiSpecificCharacteristics member of the WSK subsystem's NPI_REGISTRATION_INSTANCE structure.

  2. If the WSK application determines that it can attach to the WSK subsystem, the WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function allocates and initializes a binding context structure for the attachment to the WSK subsystem. The application then calls the NmrClientAttachProvider function to continue the attachment process.

    If NmrClientAttachProvider returns STATUS_SUCCESS, the WSK application has successfully attached to the WSK subsystem. In this situation, the WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function must save the binding handle that the NMR passed in the NmrBindingHandle parameter when the NMR called the application's ClientAttachProvider callback function. The WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function must also save the pointers to the client object ( WSK_CLIENT) and the provider dispatch table ( WSK_PROVIDER_DISPATCH) that are returned in the variables that the application passed to the NmrClientAttachProvider function in the ProviderBindingContext and ProviderDispatch parameters. A WSK application typically saves this data in its binding context for the attachment to the WSK subsystem. After the WSK application has successfully attached to the WSK subsystem, the WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function must return STATUS_SUCCESS.

  3. If NmrClientAttachProvider returns STATUS_NOINTERFACE, the WSK application can make another attempt to attach to the WSK subsystem by calling the NmrClientAttachProvider function again, passing a ClientDispatch pointer to a different WSK_CLIENT_DISPATCH structure that specifies an alternate version of the WSK NPI that is supported by the application.

  4. If a call to the NmrClientAttachProvider function does not return STATUS_SUCCESS, and the WSK application does not make any further attempts to attach to the WSK subsystem, the WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function should clean up and deallocate any resources that it allocated before it called NmrClientAttachProvider. In this situation, the WSK application's ClientAttachProvider callback function must return the status code that was returned by the last call to the NmrClientAttachProvider function.

  5. If the WSK application determines that it cannot attach to the provider module, the application's ClientAttachProvider callback function must return STATUS_NOINTERFACE.

The following code example shows how a WSK application can attach itself to the WSK subsystem.

// Context structure type for the WSK application's
// binding to the WSK subsystem
typedef struct WSK_APP_BINDING_CONTEXT_ {
  HANDLE NmrBindingHandle;
  PWSK_CLIENT WskClient;
  . // Other application-specific members

// Pool tag used for allocating the binding context

// The WSK application uses version 1.0 of WSK

// Structure for the WSK application's dispatch table
const WSK_CLIENT_DISPATCH WskAppDispatch = {
  NULL  // No WskClientEvent callback

// ClientAttachProvider NMR API callback function
    IN HANDLE NmrBindingHandle,
    IN PVOID ClientContext,
    IN PNPI_REGISTRATION_INSTANCE ProviderRegistrationInstance
  PNPI_MODULEID WskProviderModuleId;
  PWSK_CLIENT WskClient;
  NTSTATUS Status;

  // Get pointers to the WSK subsystem's identification and
  // characteristics structures
  WskProviderModuleId = ProviderRegistrationInstance->ModuleId;
  WskProviderCharacteristics =

  // The WSK application can use the data in the structures pointed
  // to by ProviderRegistrationInstance, WskProviderModuleId, and
  // WskProviderCharacteristics to determine if the WSK application
  // can attach to the WSK subsystem.
  // In this example, the WSK application does not perform any
  // checks to determine if it can attach to the WSK subsystem.

  // Allocate memory for the WSK application's binding
  // context structure
  BindingContext =

  // Check result of allocation
  if (BindingContext == NULL)
    // Return error status code

  // Initialize the binding context structure
  // Continue with the attachment to the WSK subsystem
  Status = NmrClientAttachProvider(

  // Check result of attachment
  if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
    // Save NmrBindingHandle, WskClient, and
    // WskProviderDispatch for future reference
    BindingContext->NmrBindingHandle = NmrBindingHandle;
    BindingContext->WskClient = WskClient;
    BindingContext->WskProviderDispatch = WskProviderDispatch;

  // Attachment did not succeed
    // Free memory for application's binding context structure

  // Return result of attachment
  return Status;