
This topic is part of the WDI driver model released in Windows 10. The WDI driver model is in maintenance mode and will only receive high priority fixes. WiFiCx is the Wi-Fi driver model released in Windows 11. We recommend that you use WiFiCx to take advantage of the latest features.

The NDIS_STATUS_WDI_INDICATION_DEVICE_SERVICE_EVENT status indication is used by an IHV miniport driver to pass on unsolicited information about a device to a user mode client.

Device service indications must be sent by the miniport driver only when in the D0 power state, and it must not cause the device to wake from Dx. WDI will drop this indication without forwarding it up the stack if it receives it when in Dx.

This indication is currently handled only on the default port (station).

The miniport driver should send a separate notification for every device service GUID and opcode pair whenever necessary.

Payload data

Type Multiple TLV instances allowed Optional Description
WDI_TLV_DEVICE_SERVICE_PARAMS_DATA_BLOB X The information received from the IHV miniport driver.
WDI_TLV_DEVICE_SERVICE_PARAMS_GUID The GUID that identifies the device service to which this indication belongs (as defined by the IHV/OEM).
WDI_TLV_DEVICE_SERVICE_PARAMS_OPCODE The opcode specific to the device service.


Minimum supported client: Windows 10, version 1809

Minimum supported server: Windows Server 2016

Header: Dot11wdi.h