OID_WWAN_USSD sends Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) requests to the underlying MB device.

Query requests are not supported.

Miniport drivers must process set requests asynchronously, initially returning NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION_REQUIRED to the original request, and later sending an NDIS_STATUS_WWAN_USSD status notification containing the status of the initial USSD request when they have completed the transaction.

Windows does not send an OID_WWAN_USSD request to a miniport driver if a previous request is still in progress, with the exception of a request to cancel a pending operation by setting the WWAN_USSD_REQUEST RequestType member of the request to WwanUssdRequestCancel.

When a request is canceled, the miniport driver must respond to both the canceled request and the cancel request.



Supported starting with Windows 8.


Ntddndis.h (include Ndis.h)

See also