
The DependencyObjectExtensions type provides a collection of extensions methods for DependencyObject objects. This class exposes several APIs to aid in using the VisualTreeHelper class. There are a number of reasons why walking the visual tree might be useful, which are mentioned in the docs.

Platform APIs: DependencyObjectExtensions


// Include the namespace to access extensions
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI;

// Find a visual descendant control using its name
var control = uiElement.FindDescendant("MyTextBox");

// Find the first visual descendant control of a specified type
control = uiElement.FindDescendant<ListView>();

// Find all visual descendant controls of the specified type.
// We use LINQ here to filter children of a specific type.
using System.Linq;

foreach (var child in uiElement.FindDescendants().OfType<ListViewItem>())
    // ...

// Find the first visual ascendant control using its name
control = uiElement.FindAscendant("MyScrollViewer");

// Find the first visual ascendant control of a specified type
control = uiElement.FindAscendant<ScrollViewer>();
' Include the namespace to access extensions
Imports Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Extensions

' Find a visual descendant control using its name
Dim control = uiElement.FindDescendant("MyTextBox")

' Find the first visual descendant control of a specified type
control = uiElement.FindDescendant(Of ListView)()

' Find all visual descendant controls of the specified type
For Each child In uiElement.FindDescendants().OfType(Of ListViewItem)()
    ' ...

' Find the first visual ascendant control using its name
control = uiElement.FindAscendant("MyScrollViewer")

' Find the first visual ascendant control of a specified type
control = uiElement.FindAscendant(Of ScrollViewer)()


You can find more examples in the unit tests.