
The icon extensions are a group of markup extensions meant to simplify the creation of various icon types (specifically BitmapIcon, BitmapIconSource, FontIcon, FontIconSource, SymbolIcon, and SymbolIconSource) used across a variety of XAML controls. Using these extensions doesn't enable new capabilities per se, but it greatly simplifies the XAML syntax needed to create instances of these icon types.

Platform APIs: BitmapIconExtension, BitmapIconSourceExtension, FontIconExtension, FontIconSourceExtension, SymbolIconExtension and SymbolIconSourceExtension


The BitmapIconExtension markup extension is similar in structure to the two previous extensions, but it produces BitmapIcon instances instead of font-based icons. Here is how it can be used:

<MenuFlyout xmlns:ui="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI">

    <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Click me!">
            <BitmapIcon Source="/Assets/myicon.png"/>

        Text="No, click me!"
        Icon="{ui:BitmapIcon Source=/Assets/myicon.png}" />


The BitmapIconSourceExtension class mirrors the BitmapIconExtension type, with the only difference being that it returns a BitmapIconSource instance. Here is how it can be used:

    <SwipeItem Text="Send" IconSource="{ui:BitmapIconSource Source=/Assets/myicon.png}"/>


The FontIconExtension type provides the ability to create FontIcon instances from XAML with a more compact representation than by explicitly creating a new FontIcon object to assign to the target property. The property also maps all the available FontIcon properties, so the two APIs expose the same set of customization options, just through a different XAML syntax:

<CommandBar xmlns:ui="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI">

            <FontIcon Glyph="&#xE102;" FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets"/>

    <AppBarButton Icon="{ui:FontIcon Glyph=&#xE102;}"/>


The FontIconSourceExtension class mirrors the FontIconExtension type, but producing FontIconSource instances instead of FontIcon:


    <SwipeItem Text="Accept">
            <FontIconSource Glyph="&#xE10B;"/>
    <SwipeItem Text="Accept" IconSource="{ui:FontIconSource Glyph=&#xE10B;}"/>


The SymbolIconExtension type mirrors the FontIcon markup extension, with the main difference being that it uses a Symbol value to specify the icon. All the other properties from FontIconExtension are available, with the exception of the font family, which is always set to "Segoe MDL2 Assets". Here is how it can be used:

<CommandBar xmlns:ui="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI">

            <SymbolIcon Symbol="Play"/>

    <AppBarButton Icon="{ui:SymbolIcon Symbol=Play}"/>


The SymbolIconExtension actually returns a FontIcon value instead of a SymbolIcon one. This is done to include the additional properties (eg. FontSize, FontWeight, etc.) that would otherwise not have been available. When those are not modified, the look of the resulting icon will still be the same as the one that would've resulted from the use of a SymbolIcon instance.


The SymbolIconSourceExtension type is an alternative for FontIconSourceExtension that takes a Symbol value instead of a text, and displays the icon with the "Segoe MDL2 Assets". It's equivalent to the SymbolIconExtension type, except for the fact that it returns a FontIconSource instance:

    <SwipeItem Text="Play" IconSource="{ui:SymbolIconSource Symbol=Play}"/>


All the values returned by these markup extensions belong to the Windows.UI.Xaml.* namespace. This means that they will only work properly when used with controls from that namespace, and not from Microsoft.UI.Xaml.* (the WinUI namespace). For instance, trying to use the FontIconSourceExtension to set the IconSource property on the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.SwipeItems will not work correctly, as the extension will produce a Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.FontIconSource value instead of a Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.FontIconSource one. When working with WinUI controls, you'll need to manually declare the icons you need with the explicit XAML syntax.


You can find more examples in the unit tests.