SymStore Command-Line Options

The following syntax forms are supported for SymStore transactions. The first parameter must always be add or del. The order of the other parameters does not matter.

symstore add [/l /o /p /r /compress] [-:MSG Message] [-:REL] [-:NOREFS] /f File /s Store /t Product [/v Version] [/c Comment] [/d LogFile]

symstore add [/a /l /o /p /r] [-:REL] [-:NOREFS] /g Share /f File /x IndexFile [/d LogFile]

symstore add [/o /compress] [ /p [-:MSG |Message] [-:REL] [-:NOREFS]] /y IndexFile /g Share /s Store /t Product [/v Version] [/c Comment] [/d LogFile]

symstore query [/o /r] /f File /s Store [/d LogFile]

symstore del /i ID /s Store [/o] [/d LogFile]

symstore /?

Parameter Meaning
/a Causes SymStore to append new indexing information to an existing index file. (This option is only used with the /x option.)
/c Comment Specifies a comment for the transaction.
/compress Causes SymStore to create a compressed version of each file copied to the symbol store instead of using an uncompressed copy of the file. This option is only valid when storing files and not pointers, and cannot be used with the /p option.
/d LogFile Specifies a log file to be used for command output. If this is not included, transaction information and other output is sent to stdout.
/f File Specifies one or more file paths (or directories) to add. If a specified file path begins with an '@' symbol, a response file containing a list of files to be added (one file path per line) is expected.
/g Share Specifies the server and share where the symbol files were originally stored. When used with /f, Share should be identical to the beginning of the File specifier. When used with /y, Share should be the location of the original symbol files (not the index file). This allows you to later change this portion of the file path in case you move the symbol files to a different server and share.
/i ID Specifies the transaction ID string.
/l Allows the file to be in a local directory rather than a network path. (This option is only used with the /p option.)
/o Causes SymStore to display verbose output.
/p Causes SymStore to store a pointer to the file, rather than the file itself.
/r Causes SymStore to add files or directories recursively.
/s Store Specifies the root directory for the symbol store.
/t Product Specifies the name of the product.
/v Version Specifies the version of the product.
/x IndexFile Causes SymStore not to store the actual symbol files. Instead, SymStore records information in the IndexFile that will enable SymStore to access the symbol files at a later time.
/y IndexFile Causes SymStore to read the data from a file created with /x.
-:MSG Message Adds the specified Message to each file. (This option can only be used when /p is used.)
-:REL Allows the paths in the file pointers to be relative. This option implies the /l option. (This option can only be used when /p is used.)
-:NOREFS Omits the creation of reference pointer files for the files and pointers being stored. This option is only valid during the initial creation of a symbol store if the store being changed was created with this option.
/? Displays help text for the SymStore command.