Decompressing Data

[The feature associated with this page, Video Compression Manager, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

The following example shows how an application can initialize a decompressor using the ICDecompressBegin macro, decompress a frame sequence using the ICDecompress function, and terminate decompression using the ICDecompressEnd macro.

LPVOID             lpIn, lpOut; 
LONG               lNumFrames, lFrameNum; 
// Assume lpbiIn and lpbiOut are initialized to the input and output 
// format and lpIn and lpOut are pointing to the buffers. 
if (ICDecompressBegin(hIC, lpbiIn, lpbiOut) == ICERR_OK)
    for (lFrameNum = 0; lFrameNum < lNumFrames, lFrameNum++)
        if (ICDecompress(hIC, 0, lpbiIn, lpIn, lpbiOut, 
            lpOut) == ICERR_OK) 
            // Frame decompressed OK so we can process it as required. 
            // Handle the decompression error that occurred. 
    // Handle the error identifying an unsupported format. 