ITMediaCollection interface

[ Rendezvous IP Telephony Conferencing controls and interfaces are not available for use in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and subsequent versions of the operating system. The RTC Client API provides similar functionality.]

The ITMediaCollection interface provides access to the set of media information in an SDP (RFC 2327) conference description. Each Media description in the SDP is described by an ITMedia interface. ITMediaCollection allows manipulation of the set of ITMedia information for the SDP, including:

  • Allows media access by index.
  • Enables creation and deletion of media.

The ITSdp::get_MediaCollection method creates the ITMediaCollection interface.


The ITMediaCollection interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. ITMediaCollection also has these types of members:


The ITMediaCollection interface has these methods.

Method Description
Create Creates a new media with default properties and returns it.
Delete Deletes the media corresponding to the specified index.
get__NewEnum Returns an enumerator for the collection.
get_Count Gets the number of media in the session.
get_EnumerationIf Gets pointer to enumeration interface.
get_Item Returns the media corresponding to the specified index.


Requirement Value
TAPI version
Requires TAPI 3.0 or later