ImageLockMode enumeration (gdiplusimaging.h)

The ImageLockMode enumeration specifies flags that are passed to the flags parameter of the Bitmap::LockBits method. The Bitmap::LockBits method locks a portion of an image so that you can read or write the pixel data.


typedef enum ImageLockMode {
  ImageLockModeRead = 0x0001,
  ImageLockModeWrite = 0x0002,
  ImageLockModeUserInputBuf = 0x0004
} ;


Value: 0x0001
Specifies that a portion of the image is locked for reading.
Value: 0x0002
Specifies that a portion of the image is locked for writing.
Value: 0x0004
Specifies that the buffer used for reading or writing pixel data is allocated by the user. If this flag is set, then the
lockedBitmapData parameter of the
Bitmap::LockBits method serves as an input parameter (and possibly as an output parameter). If this flag is cleared, then the
lockedBitmapData parameter serves only as an output parameter.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Header gdiplusimaging.h (include Gdiplus.h)

See also
