RealTimeStylusLockType enumeration (rtscom.h)

Specifies the locks within the RealTimeStylus Class object that protect the RealTimeStylus Class object's members and properties from modification.


typedef enum RealTimeStylusLockType {
  RTSLT_ObjLock = 0x1,
  RTSLT_SyncEventLock = 0x2,
  RTSLT_AsyncEventLock = 0x4,
  RTSLT_ExcludeCallback = 0x8,
  RTSLT_SyncObjLock = 0xb,
  RTSLT_AsyncObjLock = 0xd
} ;


Value: 0x1
The object lock protects the RealTimeStylus Class object's members and properties from modification.
Value: 0x2
The object lock protects the synchronous plug-in collection from modification during event broadcasts.
Value: 0x4
The object lock protects the asynchronous plug-in collection from modification during event broadcasts.
Value: 0x8
The system excludes callbacks from the object's event or modification lock.
Value: 0xb
The object lock protects the RealTimeStylus Class synchronous object's members and properties from modification.
Value: 0xd
The object lock protects the RealTimeStylus Class asynchronous object's members and properties from modification.


You can use these locks when you need to protect access to the plug-in collections or properties of the RealTimeStylus Class object through the IRealTimeStylusSynchronization Interface interface.

For example, the window's handle can be locked to prevent it from being altered.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Header rtscom.h

See also

RealTimeStylus Class

RealTimeStylus Reference

RealTimeStylus Structures