IVdsVolume::SetFlags method (vds.h)

[Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, the Virtual Disk Service COM interface is superseded by the Windows Storage Management API.]

Sets the volume flags.


  [in] ULONG ulFlags,
  [in] BOOL  bRevertOnClose


[in] ulFlags

The flags enumerated by VDS_VOLUME_FLAG. Callers can set the following flags:


[in] bRevertOnClose

If TRUE, the flags are temporarily set. VDS resets each flag to the previous state when the caller releases the last reference to the volume object, calls IVdsVolume::ClearFlags, or dismounts the volume, except when the flag is set on the entire disk (see the table in the Remarks section for details). When the flag is set on the entire disk, the IVdsVolume::ClearFlags method must be called to reset the flags.

Return value

This method can return standard HRESULT values, such as E_INVALIDARG or E_OUTOFMEMORY, and VDS-specific return values. It can also return converted system error codes using the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 macro. Errors can originate from VDS itself or from the underlying VDS provider that is being used. Possible return values include the following.

Return code/value Description
The flags are set.
The provider does not support the VDS_VF_LBN REMAP_ENABLED volume flag.
The provider does not support the VDS_VF_NO DRIVELETTER volume flag.
bRevertOnClose should only be set to true if either the VDS_VF_HIDDEN or VDS_VF_READONLY volume flag is set.
Some volume flags are set to true already. You must clear these flags first, then call this method and set the bRevertOnClose parameter to true again. The VDS_E_INVALID_OPERATION return value can also indicate this condition.


The VDS_VF_READONLY, VDS_VF_HIDDEN, and VDS_VF_NO_DEFAULT_DRIVE_LETTER flags scope differently depending on the disk type (basic or dynamic) and partition style (MBR or GPT). The scope is either disk-based or volume-based, as described by the following conditions:

  • If the disk is basic and MBR, then setting one of these flags on a volume affects the current volume and all future volumes with the specified attribute created on the disk.
  • If the disk is basic and GPT, dynamic and MBR, or dynamic and GPT, then setting one of the flags on a volume applies to that specific volume only.
The following table identifies the scope of each volume flag on MBR basic disks, GPT basic disks, and MBR or GPT dynamic disks.
Flag MBR basic disks GPT basic disks MBR or GPT dynamic disks
VDS_VF_LBN_REMAP_ENABLED Cannot be set. Cannot be set. Set on volume, if supported by third party volume manager.
VDS_VF_HIDDEN Set on the entire disk. Set on volumes (data partitions only). Set on volumes.
VDS_VF_READONLY Set on the entire disk. Set on volumes (data partitions only). Set on volumes.
VDS_VF_NO_DEFAULT_DRIVE_LETTER Set on the entire disk. Set on partitions. See VDS_VOLUME_FLAG.
VDS_VF_SHADOW_COPY Set on the entire disk. Set on volumes (data partitions only). Set on volumes.
VDS_VF_INSTALLABLE Cannot be set. Cannot be set. Set on volumes.

If bRevertOnClose is TRUE and the disk is an MBR basic disk and the volume is then deleted, the flags are still set on the entire disk and the flags will apply to any new volumes that are created on the disk. IVdsAdvancedDisk::Clean must then be used to clear the flags.

To create a boot volume on a dynamic disk, you must set the VDS_VF_INSTALLABLE flag for the volume and then format the volume by calling the IVdsVolumeMF::Format method.

This method fails if the volume contains one or more of the following flags:


Specifying either VDS_VF_HIDDEN or VDS_VF_READONLY will force a dismount and remount of the volume, unless bRevertOnClose is TRUE.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vds.h
Library Uuid.lib

See also


