IEnroll::freeRequestInfoBlob method (xenroll.h)

[This method is no longer available for use as of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista.]

The freeRequestInfoBlob method deletes a certificate context. This method was first defined in the IEnroll interface.


HRESULT freeRequestInfoBlob(
  [in] CRYPT_DATA_BLOB pkcs7OrPkcs10


[in] pkcs7OrPkcs10

A CRYPT_DATA_BLOB structure that specifies the session information whose context is being deleted.

Return value

The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates success.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header xenroll.h
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Xenroll.dll

See also
