ISecurityInformation4::GetSecondarySecurity method (aclui.h)

The GetSecondarySecurity method returns additional security contexts that may impact access to the resource.


HRESULT GetSecondarySecurity(
  [out] PSECURITY_OBJECT *pSecurityObjects,
  [out] PULONG           pSecurityObjectCount


[out] pSecurityObjects

An array of SECURITY_OBJECT structures that contain the secondary security objects associated with the resources that are set on success. The array is owned by the caller and is freed by using the LocalFree function. The pwszName member is also freed by using LocalFree. If the cbData or cbData2 members of the SECURITY_OBJECT structure are not zero, then the caller must free the corresponding pData or pData2 by using LocalFree. If either of those members are zero, then the corresponding pData and pData2 members are owned by the resource manager and must remain valid until the EditSecurity function returns

[out] pSecurityObjectCount

The number of security objects in the pSecurityObjects parameter that are set on success.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK.

If the method fails, it returns an error code. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


A resource manager does not need to return secondary objects with the fWellKnown member set to TRUE and the Id member set to SECURITY_OBJECT_ID_OBJECT_SD, SECURITY_OBJECT_ID_CENTRAL_POLICY, or SECURITY_OBJECT_ID_CENTRAL_ACCESS_RULE. Security objects with these IDs will be provided by the access control editor when calling ComputeEffectivePermissionWithSecondarySecurity.

Interpretation of the returned security objects is tied to the implementation of ComputeEffectivePermissionWithSecondarySecurity.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header aclui.h

See also
