IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE::Skip method (certview.h)

The Skip method skips a specified number of attributes in the attribute-enumeration sequence.


  [in] LONG celt


[in] celt

The number of attributes to skip. A positive value for the celt parameter causes the attribute-enumeration sequence to skip forward in the sequence. A negative value for the celt parameter causes the attribute-enumeration sequence to skip backward in the sequence.

Return value


If the method succeeds, the method returns S_OK.

A return value of E_INVALIDARG indicates that a negative value for the celt parameter caused the attribute-enumeration sequence index to become less than zero.

If the method fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


Upon successful completion of this method, call the IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE::Next method to reference the current attribute in the attribute-enumeration sequence. The attribute name and value can be accessed through the following methods:

The attribute-enumeration sequence maintains an internal zero-based index. The call to the Skip method causes this index to increase or decrease by the number of attributes specified in the celt parameter.

If a negative value of the celt parameter causes the index to be less than zero, the behavior of subsequent calls to IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE::Next is undefined.

If a positive value of the celt parameter causes the index to exceed the last attribute in the enumeration sequence, a subsequent call to the IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE::Next method will fail.


LONG     Index;

// pEnumAttr is previously instantiated IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE object
// skip the next 5 attributes
hr = pEnumAttr->Skip(5);
if (S_OK == hr)
    // get the next attribute
    hr = pEnumAttr->Next(&Index);
    if (S_OK == hr)
        // Use this attribute as needed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header certview.h (include Certsrv.h)
Library Certidl.lib
DLL Certadm.dll

See also