IDCompositionDevice4::CheckCompositionTextureSupport method (dcomp.h)


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Queries whether the Direct3D device that you're using to render supports composition textures (without having to first allocate a Direct3D texture on that device). Before you attempt to create composition textures for Direct3D textures backed by a given Direct3D device, you should call CheckCompositionTextureSupport, passing that backing device.

Generally speaking, a rendering device that reports support for monitored fences via DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 is able to support composition textures. But in rare cases, the operating system (OS) itself can disable the composition textures feature; in which case CheckCompositionTextureSupport will also report unsupported.


HRESULT CheckCompositionTextureSupport(
  IUnknown *renderingDevice,
  BOOL     *supportsCompositionTextures



Type: _In_ IUnknown*

The backing Direct3D device.


Type: _Out_ BOOL*

Points to a value of true if renderingDevice supports composition textures; otherwise 'false`.

Return value


If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Header dcomp.h

See also