IMbnSms::SmsSendCdma method (mbnapi.h)


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, the Win32 APIs described in this section are replaced by the Windows Runtime APIs in the Windows.Networking.Connectivity namespace.

Sends a message in CDMA format.


HRESULT SmsSendCdma(
  [in]  LPCWSTR               address,
  [in]  MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING encoding,
  [in]  MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG     language,
  [in]  ULONG                 sizeInCharacters,
  [in]  SAFEARRAY             *message,
  [out] ULONG                 *requestID


[in] address

A null terminated string that contains the receiver's phone number. The maximum size of the string is 15 digits.

[in] encoding

A MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING value that specifies the data encoding.

[in] language

An MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG value that specifies the language.

[in] sizeInCharacters

The number of encoded characters in the message. This can be different from the size of the message array.

[in] message

An array of bytes containing the encoded CDMA message.

The maximum size of this array is the CdmaShortMsgSize property of IMbnSmsConfiguration, however this can be no larger than MBN_CDMA_SHORT_MSG_SIZE_MAX (160).

[out] requestID

A pointer to a request ID issued by the Mobile Broadband service to identify this request.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
The method completed successfully.
The Mobile Broadband service is not running on this system.
The interface is invalid, most likely because the device was removed from the system.
The interface is invalid. Most likely the Mobile Broadband device has been removed from the system.
The device does not support sending SMS messages in the requested format. For example, if this function is called for a GSM device.


This method can be used to send a SMS message for a CDMA device. However, this is only when the CDMA device supports sending SMS. A calling application can learn if the device supports this format by calling the GetInterfaceCapability method of IMbnInterface. It can then look for MBN_SMS_CAPS_TEXT_SEND in the smsCaps member of MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS.

The address parameter can be in either of these formats.

  • "+ <International Country Code> <SMS Service Center Number>\0"
  • "<SMS Service Center Number>\0"

This is an asynchronous operation that will return immediately. If the method returns without error, then the Mobile Broadband service will call the OnSmsSendComplete method of the IMbnSmsEvents interface.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header mbnapi.h

See also
