ResUtilGetBinaryProperty function (resapi.h)

Retrieves a binary property from a property list and advances a pointer to the next property in the list. The PRESUTIL_GET_BINARY_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function.


DWORD ResUtilGetBinaryProperty(
  [out]          LPBYTE                 *ppbOutValue,
  [out]          LPDWORD                pcbOutValueSize,
  [in]           const PCLUSPROP_BINARY pValueStruct,
  [in, optional] const LPBYTE           pbOldValue,
  [in]           DWORD                  cbOldValueSize,
  [in, out]      LPBYTE                 *ppPropertyList,
  [in, out]      LPDWORD                pcbPropertyListSize


[out] ppbOutValue

Address of a pointer in which the binary value from the property list will be returned.

[out] pcbOutValueSize

Pointer to the size of the output value.

[in] pValueStruct

Pointer to a CLUSPROP_BINARY structure specifying the binary value to retrieve from the property list.

[in, optional] pbOldValue

Pointer to the previous value of the property.

[in] cbOldValueSize

Pointer to the length of the previous value of the property.

[in, out] ppPropertyList

Address of the pointer to the property list buffer containing the binary property. This pointer will be advanced to the beginning of the next property.

[in, out] pcbPropertyListSize

Pointer to the size of the property list buffer. The size will be decremented to account for the advance of the ppPropertyList pointer.

Return value

If the operations succeeds, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the operation fails, the function returns a system error code. The following is a possible error code.

Return code Description
The data is formatted incorrectly.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header resapi.h
Library ResUtils.lib
DLL ResUtils.dll

See also


