IAMAnalogVideoEncoder::get_CopyProtection method (strmif.h)

[The feature associated with this page, DirectShow, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine, and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation. Those features have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation instead of DirectShow, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

Note  The IAMAnalogVideoEncoder interface is deprecated.
The get_CopyProtection method determines whether copy protection is currently enabled on the encoder.


HRESULT get_CopyProtection(
  [out] long *lVideoCopyProtection


[out] lVideoCopyProtection

Specifies a pointer to a long integer to receive the current copy protection level, as defined in the AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL enumeration.

Return value

When this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise it returns an HRESULT


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header strmif.h (include Dshow.h)

See also

Error and Success Codes

IAMAnalogVideoEncoder Interface