WdsBpParseInitialize function (wdsbp.h)

Receives a handle to the packet sent by the network boot program.


DWORD WDSBPAPI WdsBpParseInitialize(
  [in]            PVOID  pPacket,
  [in]            ULONG  uPacketLen,
  [out, optional] PBYTE  pbPacketType,
  [out]           HANDLE *phHandle


[in] pPacket

A pointer to the packet received from the WDS client. The packet must be a valid DHCP packet.

[in] uPacketLen

The length of the packet, in bytes.

[out, optional] pbPacketType

A value that indicates the type of boot program that sent the packet. The bit flags in the following table can be combined.

Value Meaning
The presence of this value indicates that the packet is a DHCP packet.
This presence of this value indicates that the DHCP packet came from the WDS network boot program. If this value is absent the type of client was not recognized.
The presence of this value indicates that the packet contains a path to a Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file.

[out] phHandle

A handle to the packet. This handle can be used by the WdsBpQueryOption function and must be closed using the WdsBpCloseHandle function.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return is S_OK.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdsbp.h
Library Wdsbp.lib
DLL Wdsbp.dll