
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

HRESULT SetHelpContextID(
   long ulHelpID  // ID for help topic

Sets the HelpContextID for a Command object.

  • Returns S_OK to indicate the operation was successful.


The context number of the help topic associated with the Command object; used to provide context-sensitive Help for the command.

If you've created a Windows Help file for your application and set this in the character's HelpFile property. Agent automatically calls Help when HelpModeOn is set to True and the user selects the command. If there is a context number in the HelpContextID, Agent calls Help and searches for the topic identified by the current context number. The current context number is the value of HelpContextID for the command. If there is a context number in the selected command's HelpContextID property, Help displays a topic corresponding to the current Help context; otherwise it displays "No Help topic associated with this item."

This property applies only to your client application's use of the character; the setting does not affect other clients of the character or other characters of your client application.


Building a Help file requires the Microsoft Windows Help Compiler.


See Also

IAgentCommandsEx::GetHelpContextID, IAgentCharacterEx::SetHelpModeOn, IAgentCharacterEx::SetHelpFileName