Detecting platform capabilities — MRTK2

A common question asked of MRTK involves knowing which specific device (ex: Microsoft HoloLens 2) is being used to run an application. Identifying the exact hardware can be challenging on different platforms. Instead, the MRTK provides a way to identify specific capabilities at runtime, (e.g. if the current device endpoint supports articulated hands).


The Mixed Reality Toolkit provides the MixedRealityCapability enumeration, which defines a set of capabilities for which an application can query at runtime.

Input system capabilities

The default MRTK Input System supports querying the following capabilities:

Capability Description
ArticulatedHand Articulated hand input
EyeTracking Eye gaze targeting
GGVHand Gaze-Gesture-Voice hand input
MotionController Motion controller input
VoiceCommand Voice commands using app defined keywords
VoiceDictation Voice to text dictation

The example code below checks to see if the input system has loaded a data provider with support for articulated hands.

bool supportsArticulatedHands = false;

IMixedRealityCapabilityCheck capabilityCheck = CoreServices.InputSystem as IMixedRealityCapabilityCheck;
if (capabilityCheck != null)
    supportsArticulatedHands = capabilityCheck.CheckCapability(MixedRealityCapability.ArticulatedHand);

Spatial awareness capabilities

The default MRTK Spatial Awareness system supports querying the following capabilities:

Capability Description
SpatialAwarenessMesh Spatial meshes
SpatialAwarenessPlane Spatial planes
SpatialAwarenessPoint Spatial points

This example checks to see if the spatial awareness system has loaded a data provider with support for spatial meshes.

bool supportsSpatialMesh = false;

IMixedRealityCapabilityCheck capabilityCheck = CoreServices.SpatialAwarenessSystem as IMixedRealityCapabilityCheck;
if (capabilityCheck != null)
    supportsSpatialMesh = capabilityCheck.CheckCapability(MixedRealityCapability.SpatialAwarenessMesh);

See also