Core Subsystem: TextToSpeechSubsystem — MRTK3


For general information on subsystems in MRTK3, see here.

The Core Definitions package ships TextToSpeechSubsystem, a base implementation of MRTKSubsystem and ITextToSpeechSubsystem that serves as the base of subsystems responsible for text to speech in MRTK3. Concrete implementation shipped as part of MRTK such as WindowsTextToSpeechSubsystem and other potential text to speech subsystems you might build should all be based on this class. Subsystems inheriting from TextToSpeechSubsystem have the capability to synthesize and speak a text phrase.

For more specific information, refer to the documentation of the concrete TextToSpeechSubsystem implementation you want to use.



This guide provides steps to enable a speech subsystem in a new MRTK project (with other basic non-speech related setup in place). If you're using our sample project you might notice that some steps have been performed for you.

1. Enable the speech subsystem

Go to Project Settings > MRTK3 Available MRTK Subsystems and then enable the text to speech subsystem you'd like to use.

2. Assign a configuration asset (for certain subsystems)

For certain subsystems, a configuration asset is required in order for it to perform normally.

  1. Click the subsystem you enabled in Setup 1.
  2. Check to see if an empty Configuration Asset slot shows up under Subsystem Details on the right. If so, create a new config by selecting Assets -> Create MRTK > Subsystems > [name of your subsystem] Config and then dragging the created config onto the slot.
  3. After making sure the config slot is populated, change the settings in the newly created config for your specific project. Remember to save the project when you're finished.

3. Ensure the proper capabilities are set in Player Settings

Different implementations of TextToSpeechSubsystem have different required capabilities. For more information, refer to the documentation of the subsystem you want to use.

4. Running the scene on device/in editor

The project should now be ready to run on device or in editor.

Using TextToSpeechSubsystem

To use TextToSpeechSubsystem in script, call TrySpeak. Note that you need to pass in an AudioSource.

// Get the first running text to speech subsystem.
TextToSpeechSubsystem textToSpeechSubsystem = XRSubsystemHelpers.GetFirstRunningSubsystem<TextToSpeechSubsystem>();

// If we found one...
if (textToSpeechSubsystem != null)
     // Speak message
     textToSpeechSubsystem.TrySpeak("This is a test!", myAudioSource);