MSIX SDK 1.7 update

With the SDK release (1.7), we heard the feedback from our partners and added more APIs to provide developers with more options and flexibility in handling MSIX packages.

Create MSIX package using the MSIX SDK

In this release you can now create an MSIX package using the MSIX SDK for Windows, MacOS and Linux. There are two ways to create a package:

  • Use the makemsix tool and specify an input directory and the name of the output package.

    makemsix.exe pack -d <directory> -p <package> [options]
  • Use the IAppxPackaging APIs to create a package programmatically. Specifically, you can use IAppxPackageWriter, IAppxPackageWriter3, IAppPackageWriterUtf8 and IAppxPackageWriter3Utf8. For an example that demonstrates how to use these APIs, see PackSample.

Update to msix.dll

This release adds the following interfaces to msix.dll:

  • IAppxManifestReader4
  • IAppxPackageWriter
  • IAppxPackageWriter3
  • IAppxManifestOptionalPackageInfo

UTF8 API Variants

This release adds several new UTF8 API variants for existing API calls. With the inclusion of these new APIs, developers can choose to use the Utf8 variant for string manipulation according to their environment/platform. As with AppxPackaging APIs, the caller is responsible for deallocating the memory used by LPSTR* out parameters.

The following are the new UTF8 interfaces:

  • IAppxPackageWriterUtf8
  • IAppxPackageWriter3Utf8
  • IAppxManifestOptionalPackageInfoUtf8

Updates to test infrastructure

This release updates the test infrastructure to use Catch2. Before this release, the SDK provided three different test implementations:

  • PowerShell script for Windows.
  • Shell script for Linux and macOS.
  • Common shared library for Android and iOS.

This change removes the overhead of adding a test three times by simplifying the test infrastructure to a single implementation.

You can get the latest SDK on GitHub.