IADsDomain Property Methods

The IADsDomain interface methods read and write the properties described in this topic. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.



Indicates the minimum time that must elapse before the account is automatically reenabled.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_AutoUnlockInterval(
  [out] LONG* plAutoUnlockInterval
HRESULT put_AutoUnlockInterval(
  [in] LONG lAutoUnlockInterval


This property is no longer implemented.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: VARIANT_BOOL

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_IsWorkgroup(
  [out] VARIANT_BOOL* retval


Indicates the time window during which the bad password count is monitored and accumulated before determining whether the account needs to be locked out. For example, if the number of bad password attempts on an account exceed the threshold (Maximum Bad Passwords Allowed) during the specified time period (Lockout Observation Interval) the account will be locked out by setting the appropriate property in the Login Parameter property set.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_LockoutObservationInterval(
  [out] LONG* plLockoutObservationInterval
HRESULT put_LockoutObservationInterval(
  [in] LONG lLockoutObservationInterval


Indicates the maximum number of bad password logins allowed before an account lockout.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_MaxBadPasswordsAllowed(
  [out] LONG* plMaxBadPasswordsAllowed
HRESULT put_MaxBadPasswordsAllowed(
  [in] LONG lMaxBadPasswordsAllowed


Indicates the maximum time interval, in seconds, after which the password must be changed by the user.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_MaxPasswordAge(
  [out] LONG* plMaxPasswordAge
RESULT put_MaxPasswordAge(
  [in] LONG lMaxPasswordAge


Indicates the minimum time interval, in seconds, before the password can be changed.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_MinPasswordAge(
  [out] LONG* plMinPasswordAge
HRESULT put_MinPasswordAge(
  [in] LONG lMinPasswordAge


Indicates the minimum number of characters that must be used for a password.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_MinPasswordLength(
  [out] LONG* plMinPasswordLength
HRESULT put_MinPasswordLength(
  [in] LONG lMinPasswordLength


Indicates restrictions on passwords, as defined by the following list of attributes and values.


For PASSWORD_ATTR_COMPLEX, the password must include at least one punctuation mark or non-printable character.




Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_PasswordAttributes(
  [out] LONG* plPasswordAttributes
HRESULT put_PasswordAttributes(
  [in] LONG lPasswordAttributes


Indicates the number of previous passwords saved in the history list. The user cannot reuse a password in the history list.

Access type: Read/write

Scripting data type: LONG

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_PasswordHistoryLength(
  [out] LONG* plPasswordHistoryLength
HRESULT put_PasswordHistoryLength(
  [in] LONG lPasswordHistoryLength


The following code example displays the value of the PasswordHistoryLength property.

Dim dom As IADsDomain
On Error Resume Next

Set dom = GetObject("WinNT://myDomain")

debug.print "PasswordHistoryLength" & dom.PasswordHistoryLength

The following code example displays the value of the PasswordHistoryLength property.

LPWSTR adsPath = L"WinNT://myDomain";
LONG nPasswordHistoryLength = 0;

// Bind to the domain object.
hr = ADsGetObject(adsPath,IID_IADsDomain,(void**)&pDomain);
if(FAILED(hr)) {goto Cleanup;}

hr = pDomain->get_PasswordHistoryLength(&nPasswordHistoryLength);
if(FAILED(hr)) {goto Cleanup;}
printf("Password history length: %d",nPasswordHistoryLength);

    if(pDomain) pDomain->Release();


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008
IID_IADsDomain is defined as 00E4C220-FD16-11CE-ABC4-02608C9E7553

See also


Interface Property Methods