PDD_VPORTCB_GETVPORTCONNECT callback function (ddrawint.h)

The DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo callback function returns the connections supported by the specified VPE object.



DWORD PddVportcbGetvportconnect(



Points to a DD_GETVPORTCONNECTDATA structure that contains the information required for the driver to return the VPE object connection data.

Return value

DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo returns one of the following callback codes:


DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo must be implemented in DirectDraw drivers that support VPE.

DirectDraw calls DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo to obtain the number of connections supported by the specified VPE object and the characteristics of each connection. DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo is called twice for the specified VPE object:

  • In the first call, the lpConnect member of the DD_GETVPORTCONNECTDATA structure at lpGetConnect is NULL. The driver should write the number of connections that the VPE object supports in the dwNumEntries member of DD_GETVPORTCONNECTDATA. Upon return, DirectDraw will allocate this number of DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT structures to pass in the second call to DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo.
  • In the second call, lpConnect points to the array of allocated DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT structures. The driver should fill in each structure to describe each connection that the VPE object supports. The driver should also return the number of supported connections in dwNumEntries. Note that the driver is guaranteed that the buffer to which lpConnect points is large enough to hold the connection information being requested.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ddrawint.h (include Winddi.h)

See also