XMFLOAT3SE::XMFLOAT3SE(uint32_t) function (directxpackedvector.h)

Initializes a new instance of XMFLOAT3SE from a uint32_t variable containing component data in a packed format.

This constructor initializes a new instance of XMFLOAT3SE from a uint32_t variable containing component data in a packed format.

Note  This constructor is only available under C++.


  uint32_t Packed
) noexcept;



The values of three vector components in a packed format.

Return value



The values of the three components of the new instance of XMFLOAT3SE are stored in the argument Packed with the exponent shared by all the mantissas of the floating point values of all three components (the e of the XMFLOAT3SE structure) stored in the highest order bits, and the mantissa of the x component stored in the least significant bits.

   (E5Z9Y9X9): [32] EEEEEzzz zzzzzzyy yyyyyyyx xxxxxxxx [0]

Or in detail:

  • Bits 0-8 of Packed are the 9 bit mantissa of the x component's floating point value: the xm member of the structure to be instantiated.
  • Bits 9-17 of Packed are the 9 bit mantissa of the y component's floating point value: the ym member of the structure to be instantiated.
  • Bits 18-26 of Packed are the 9 bit mantissa of the z component's floating point value: the zm member of the structure to be instantiated.
  • Bits 27-31 of Packed are the 5 bit exponent used with the stored mantissas (xm, ym, zm) to represent the size of each component: the e member of the structure to be instantiated.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header directxpackedvector.h

See also



XMFLOAT3SE Constructors