IProtectionPolicyManagerInterop2::RequestAccessWithMessageForWindowAsync method (efswrtinterop.h)

Request access to enterprise protected content for an identity.


HRESULT RequestAccessWithMessageForWindowAsync(
  [in]                   HWND     appWindow,
  [in]                   HSTRING  sourceIdentity,
  [in]                   HSTRING  targetIdentity,
                         IUnknown *auditInfoUnk,
  [in]                   HSTRING  messageFromApp,
  [iid_is] [out, retval] REFIID   riid,
                         void     **asyncOperation


[in] appWindow

A handle to the current window.

[in] sourceIdentity

The enterprise identity to which the content is protected. This is an email address or domain that is managed.

[in] targetIdentity

The enterprise identity to which the content is being disclosed. This is an email address or domain.


An audit info object; an instance of ProtectionPolicyAuditInfo.

[in] messageFromApp

A message that will be displayed in the consent dialog so that the user can make a consent decision.

[iid_is] [out, retval] riid

Reference to the identifier of the interface describing the type of interface pointer to return in asyncOperation.


An IAsyncOperation<ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult> with a value of the ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult enumeration that is the result of the request.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header efswrtinterop.h
DLL Efswrt.dll

See also
