IEnhancedStorageSilo::GetActions method (ehstorapi.h)

Returns an enumeration of all actions available to the silo object.


HRESULT GetActions(
  [out] IEnhancedStorageSiloAction ***pppIEnhancedStorageSiloActions,
  [out] ULONG                      *pcEnhancedStorageSiloActions


[out] pppIEnhancedStorageSiloActions

Array of pointers to IEnhancedStorageAction interface objects that represent the actions available for the silo object. This array is allocated within the API when at least one action is available to the silo.

[out] pcEnhancedStorageSiloActions

Count of IEnhancedStorageAction pointers returned. This value indicates the dimension of the array represented by pppIEnhancedStorageSilos.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
One or more ACTs were found.
pppIEnhancedStorageSiloActions or pcEnhancedStorageSiloActions is NULL.


The memory containing the IEnhancedStorageAction interface pointers is allocated by the Enhanced Storage API and must be freed by passing the returned pointer to CoTaskMemFree.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header ehstorapi.h

See also
