EcEnumNextSubscription function (evcoll.h)

The EcEnumNextSubscription function continues the enumeration of the subscriptions registered on the local machine.


BOOL EcEnumNextSubscription(
  [in]  EC_HANDLE SubscriptionEnum,
  [in]  DWORD     SubscriptionNameBufferSize,
  [in]  LPWSTR    SubscriptionNameBuffer,
  [out] PDWORD    SubscriptionNameBufferUsed


[in] SubscriptionEnum

The handle to the enumerator object that is returned from the EcOpenSubscriptionEnum function.

[in] SubscriptionNameBufferSize

The size of the user-supplied buffer (in chars) to store the subscription name.

[in] SubscriptionNameBuffer

The user-supplied buffer to store the subscription name.

[out] SubscriptionNameBufferUsed

The size of the user-supplied buffer that is used by the function on successful return, or the size that is necessary to store the subscription name when the function fails with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

Return value

This function returns BOOL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header evcoll.h
Library Wecapi.lib
DLL Wecapi.dll

See also

Windows Event Collector Functions