Matrix::TransformVectors(PointF*,INT) method (gdiplusmatrix.h)

This topic lists the TransformVectors methods of the Matrix class. For a complete list of methods for the Matrix class, see Matrix Methods.

Overload list

Method Description
TransformVectors(Point*,INT) The Matrix::TransformVectors method multiplies each vector in an array by this matrix. The translation elements of this matrix (third row) are ignored. Each vector is treated as a row matrix. The multiplication is performed with the row matrix on the left and this matrix on the right.
TransformVectors(PointF*,INT) The Matrix::TransformVectors method multiplies each vector in an array by this matrix. The translation elements of this matrix (third row) are ignored. Each vector is treated as a row matrix. The multiplication is performed with the row matrix on the left and this matrix on the right.


Status TransformVectors(
  PointF *pts,
  INT    count




Return value



Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header gdiplusmatrix.h