IDiscMaster::EnumDiscMasterFormats method (imapi.h)

Retrieves an enumerator for all disc mastering formats supported by this disc master object. A disc master format specifies the structure of the content in a staged image file (data/audio) and the interface that manages the staged image.


HRESULT EnumDiscMasterFormats(
  [out] IEnumDiscMasterFormats **ppEnum


[out] ppEnum

Address of a pointer to the IEnumDiscMasterFormats enumerator.

Return value

S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values:


MSDiscMasterObj returns an enumerator that identifies the supported formats by their interface IDs. Currently, there are two formats: IID_IRedbookDiscMaster ( IRedbookDiscMaster) and IID_IJolietDiscMaster ( IJolietDiscMaster).

IEnumDiscMasterFormats is standard COM enumerator, as documented in IEnumXXXX. Each call to Next returns an array of IIDs, one IID per supported disc master format. To select the active format and retrieve a pointer to a format specific interface, use SetActiveDiscMasterFormat. (Do not use QueryInterface, because the interface will not be associated with the active format).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi.h
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Actxprxy.dll

See also
