IDiscMasterProgressEvents::NotifyTrackProgress method (imapi.h)

Notifies an application that a track has started or finished during the burn of an audio disc.


HRESULT NotifyTrackProgress(
  [in] long nCurrentTrack,
  [in] long nTotalTracks


[in] nCurrentTrack

Number of tracks that have been completely burned.

[in] nTotalTracks

Total number of tracks that must be burned.

Return value

S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values:


The notification for zero out of nTotalTracks indicates the start of track 1. The notification for track N out of nTotalTracks indicates that track N is complete and track N+1 is beginning. Finally, the notification for nTotalTracks out of nTotalTracks indicates the last track has been written.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi.h
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Actxprxy.dll

See also
