IMFD3D12SynchronizationObject::SignalEventOnFinalResourceRelease method (mfd3d12.h)

Stores an event handle that will be set when the associated D3D12 resource is free and can be recycled, reused, or destroyed.


HRESULT SignalEventOnFinalResourceRelease(
  HANDLE hEvent



Handle to the event that will be set when the resource is freed.

Return value

An HRESULT including but not limited to the following values:

Value Description
S_OK Success
MF_E_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED_AT_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL The attempted call or command is not supported with the DirectX version used by the component.
o MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIATYPE_AT_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL The specified media type is not supported with the DirectX version used by the component.


The handle is signaled when there are no longer any pending resource release or resource ready signals for the current resource. If the event handle has restricted access rights, the handle must have at least the EVENT_MODIFY_STATE right.


Requirement Value
Header mfd3d12.h