IMFPMediaPlayer::GetSupportedRates method (mfplay.h)

Important  Deprecated. This API may be removed from future releases of Windows. Applications should use the Media Session for playback.

Gets the range of supported playback rates.


HRESULT GetSupportedRates(
  [in]  BOOL  fForwardDirection,
  [out] float *pflSlowestRate,
  [out] float *pflFastestRate


[in] fForwardDirection

Specify TRUE to get the playback rates for forward playback. Specify FALSE to get the rates for reverse playback.

[out] pflSlowestRate

Receives the slowest supported rate.

[out] pflFastestRate

Receives the fastest supported rate.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
The current media item does not support playback in the requested direction (either forward or reverse).


Playback rates are expressed as a ratio of the current rate to the normal rate. For example, 1.0 indicates normal playback speed, 0.5 indicates half speed, and 2.0 indicates twice speed. Positive values indicate forward playback, and negative values indicate reverse playback.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mfplay.h

See also


Using MFPlay for Audio/Video Playback