MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS enumeration (mmc.h)

The MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS enumeration defines the Command Identifiers that are reserved by MMC.


typedef enum _MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS {


Value: -1
Sent to a snap-in's
IExtendContextMenu::Command method when the user switches from a custom result view to the standard list view.


Typically, a snap-in's IExtendContextMenu::Command method is called only when one of its own menu items is selected. The MMCC_* codes are sent when a built-in menu item is selected and the snap-in must be notified about the selection. Other MMCC_* codes can be added later.

MMCC_STANDARD_VIEW_SELECT notifies the snap-in that the custom view is going away and that the snap-in can do any necessary clean-up. The next time the snap-in's IComponent::GetResultViewType method is called, the snap-in should return S_FALSE to indicate that the default list view should be used.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Header mmc.h