IInkDivider::putref_Strokes method (msinkaut15.h)

Gets or sets the InkStrokes collection on which the InkDivider object performs layout analysis.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT putref_Strokes(
  IInkStrokes *Strokes



Return value



This property maintains the InkStrokes collection which the InkDivider object analyzes and from which the InkDivider object creates the IInkDivisionResult object. This property must be assigned a InkStrokes collection in order for the InkDivider object to perform layout analysis.

You should only assign this property once to a given InkDivider object. Assigning a subsequent InkStrokes object once one has been assigned will cause inaccurate results to be returned. Also, you may not change the LineHeight or RecognizerContext property after a InkStrokes collection is assigned to the Strokes property.

To keep the Strokes property of the InkDivider object synchronized with an InkDisp object, use the InkAdded and InkDeleted events of the InkDisp object to listen for strokes that should be added or removed from the InkDivider object. This covers cases where strokes are added to, deleted from, clipped, or split within the InkDisp object.

Note  Moving, scaling, or other transformations on strokes in the InkDisp object do not generate InkAdded or InkDeleted events. Perform the same transformations on the strokes in the InkDivider object to keep the Strokes property of the InkDivider object synchronized.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut15.h
Library Inkdiv.dll

See also


InkDivider Class

InkStrokes Collection