IFindSimilarResults::GetNextFileId method (msrdc.h)

Retrieves the next valid similarity file ID in the file list that was returned by the ISimilarity::FindSimilarFileId method.


HRESULT GetNextFileId(
  [out] DWORD            *numTraitsMatched,
  [out] SimilarityFileId *similarityFileId


[out] numTraitsMatched

A pointer to a variable that receives the number of traits that were matched.

[out] similarityFileId

A pointer to a SimilarityFileId structure that contains the similarity file ID of the matching file.

Return value

Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.

This method can also return the following error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header msrdc.h
DLL MsRdc.dll

See also
