DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS structure (netioapi.h)

Describes a DNS-over-HTTPS server.


typedef struct _DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS {
#if ...
  PWSTR   Template;
  PWSTR   Template;
  ULONG64 Flags;




A NULL-terminated wide string containing a valid DNS-over-HTTPS URI template.

This field must be NULL if the DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_AUTO flag is present.


The URI template mustn't contain an IP address as hostname that's different from the IP address of the referenced server. For example, if the referenced server is, and the URI template is, then that wouldn't be valid because doesn't match the server IP


Type: ULONG64

A bitmap containing any of the following options.

DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_AUTO (0x0001). If this option is present, then the DNS server that's referenced by this property will load its URI template from the system DNS-over-HTTPS system list. When this option is present, the Template field must be set to NULL. This option must not be used together with the DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE option.

DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE (0x0002). If this option is present, then the Template field must point to a valid DNS-over-HTTPS URI template. This option must not be used together with the DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_AUTO option.

DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_FALLBACK_TO_UDP (0x0004). This option indicates that the referenced server may fallback to unsecure name resolution (UDP/TCP) if the DNS-over-HTTPS query failed. This option can be used only in addition to DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_AUTO or DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE.

DNS_DOH_AUTO_UPGRADE_SERVER (0x0008). This option allows a DNS server present in an NRPT rule to use the DNS-over-HTTPS template if it has the same IP address as the server referenced by this property. This option can't be used by itself; it must be in addition to DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_AUTO or DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS_ENABLE.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header netioapi.h (include Iphlpapi.h)