InPlaceDirection enumeration (peninputpanel.h)

Specifies the preferred direction of the In-Place Input Panel relative to the text entry field.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_peninputpanel_0000_0000_0006 {
  InPlaceDirection_Auto = 0,
  InPlaceDirection_Bottom = 1,
  InPlaceDirection_Top = 2
} InPlaceDirection;


Value: 0
Restores the system default.
Value: 1
The preferred direction is above the text entry field.
Value: 2
The preferred direction is below the text entry field.


An application can specify whether the In-Place Input Panel defaults appear above or below a text entry field by setting the ITextInputPanel::PreferredInPlaceDirection Property to InPlaceDirection_Bottom or InPlaceDirection_Top. ITextInputPanel::PreferredInPlaceDirection Property is a preference because the In-Place Input Panel overrides the preference set by the application when necessary to keep Input Panel on the screen. The system default is to position the In-Place Input Panel below a text field when possible; otherwise it is positioned above. Setting the ITextInputPanel::PreferredInPlaceDirection Property to InPlaceDirection_Auto restores the system default.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Header peninputpanel.h

See also

ITextInputPanel::PreferredInPlaceDirection Property