PERF_COUNTER_DATA structure (perflib.h)

Contains information about the PERF_COUNTER_DATA block that contains the structure. A PERF_COUNTER_DATA block provides raw performance counter data, and consists of the following items in order:

  1. A PERF_COUNTER_DATA structure.
  2. Raw performance counter data.
  3. Padding to make the total size of the block a multiple of eight bytes.


typedef struct _PERF_COUNTER_DATA {
  ULONG dwDataSize;
  ULONG dwSize;



The size of the raw performance counter data that follows the PERF_COUNTER_DATA structure in the PERF_COUNTER_DATA block, in bytes.


The total size of the PERF_COUNTER_DATA block, which is the sum of the sizes opf the following items:

  • The PERF_COUNTER_DATA structure
  • The raw performance counter data
  • The padding that ensures that the size of the PERF_COUNTER_DATA block is a multiple of 8 bytes


The PerfQueryCounterData function returns a PERF_DATA_HEADER block that may contain PERF_COUNTER_DATA blocks directly, or indirectly as part of a PERF_MULTI_INSTANCES block.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1607 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Header perflib.h

See also
