IDataCollectorCollection::CreateDataCollector method (pla.h)

Creates a data collector of the specified type.


HRESULT CreateDataCollector(
  [in]  DataCollectorType Type,
  [out] IDataCollector    **Collector


[in] Type

The type of data collector to create. For possible data collector types, see the DataCollectorType enumeration.

[out] Collector

An IDataCollector interface of the newly created data collector. To get the actual data collector interface requested, call the QueryInterface method.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful.


Use one of the following interface identifiers to query the IDataCollector interface for the specific data collector.

Data collector interface Interface identifier
IApiTracingDataCollector IID_IApiTracingDataCollector
IAlertDataCollector IID_IAlertDataCollector
IConfigurationDataCollector IID_IConfigurationDataCollector
IPerformanceCounterDataCollector IID_IPerformanceCounterDataCollector
ITraceDataCollector IID_ITraceDataCollector


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header pla.h
DLL Pla.dll

See also

