IRealTimeStylus::GetStylusForId method (rtscom.h)

Retrieves a stylus for the specified stylus identifier.


HRESULT GetStylusForId(
  [in]          STYLUS_ID  sid,
  [out, retval] IInkCursor **ppiInkCursor


[in] sid

Specifies security identifier (SID) for the collection.

[out, retval] ppiInkCursor

When this method returns, contains a pointer to an IInkCursor that describes the stylus for the sid parameter.

Return value

For a description of the return values, see RealTimeStylus Classes and Interfaces.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header rtscom.h
DLL RTSCom.dll

See also


IRealTimeStylus::GetStyluses Method

RealTimeStylus Class