IUrlAccessor3::GetImpersonationSidBlobs method (searchapi.h)

Retrieves an array of user security identifiers (SIDs) for a specified URL. This method enables protocol handlers to specify which users can access the file and the search protocol host to impersonate a user in order to index the file.


HRESULT GetImpersonationSidBlobs(
  [in]  LPCWSTR pcwszURL,
  [out] DWORD   *pcSidCount,
  [out] BLOB    **ppSidBlobs


[in] pcwszURL


The URL to access on behalf of an impersonated user.

[out] pcSidCount

Type: DWORD*

Receives a pointer to the number of user SIDs returned in ppSidBlobs.

[out] ppSidBlobs

Type: BLOB**

Receives the address of a pointer to the array of candidate impersonation user SIDs.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If the file is encrypted, this method identifies who can both decrypt and access it. If the method cannot identify this information, it fails with error code E_ACCESSDENIED.

This method assumes that the IUrlAccessor2 object failed to initialize and returned the code PRTH_S_TRY_IMPERSONATING. Then, the search protocol host calls this method to retrieve a list of SIDs to use for impersonation and reverts to using IUrlAccessor2, impersonating one of the allowed users when opening the item.

Impersonating a user does not elevate the caller's privileges. If the caller cannot directly retrieve the list of users authorized to access a resource, the caller won't be able to do that with this method, either. Only the search protocol host and the indexer have adequate privileges to impersonate users currently logged on.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP with SP2, Windows Vista with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header searchapi.h
Redistributable Windows Search (WS) 4.0

See also



Search Protocol Handler Error Messages