ITAutomatedPhoneControl interface (tapi3if.h)

The ITAutomatedPhoneControl is a fully OLE automatable and scriptable interface exposed by the TAPI phone object. When a phone device is opened with owner privilege, you can call the QueryInterface method on the ITPhone interface to obtain an ITAutomatedPhoneControl interface pointer.

This interface performs several high-level phone-related functions:

  • Enable and configure automated control of the phone's tones and rings based on input from the phone's hookswitch and buttons.
  • Enable and configure automated call handling based on the phone's hookswitch state. For example, when the phone goes onhook while it is handling a connected call, the phone object can automatically invoke ITBasicCallControl::Disconnect on that call.
  • Generate specific tones on the audio devices associated with the phone, without accessing any audio APIs directly. The tone control allows an application to play tones on the audio devices associated with the phone, outside of the context of a call. Because these tones are not transmitted on any call, they are independent of the audio streaming functionality accessed through terminals.
  • Ring the phone without requiring information on whether the phone has a ringer and, if the phone has a ringer, determine the types of rings the phone supports.


The ITAutomatedPhoneControl interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. ITAutomatedPhoneControl also has these types of members:


The ITAutomatedPhoneControl interface has these methods.


The EnumerateSelectedCalls method retrieves an enumerator object indicating which calls are currently selected on this phone. See ITAutomatedPhoneControl::SelectCall for more information.

The get_AutoDialtone method retrieves the current value of the AutoDialtone property.

The get_AutoEndOfNumberTimeout method retrieves the current value of the AutoEndOfNumberTimeout property. The property specifies how long to wait after a digit has been pressed before it is assumed that the entire number has been gathered.

The get_AutoKeypadTones method gets the AutoKeypadTones property for this phone. When this feature is enabled, a digit tone is automatically played whenever a keypad button is pressed.

The get_AutoKeypadTonesMinimumDuration method retrieves the current value of the AutoKeypadTonesMinimumDuration property. The property specifies how long to play keypad tones on PBS_DOWN.

The get_AutoStopRingOnOffHook method retrieves the current value of the AutoStopRingOnOffHook property.

The get_AutoStopTonesOnOnHook method retrieves the current value of the AutoStopTonesOnOnHook property.

The get_AutoVolumeControl method retrieves the current value of the AutoVolumeControl property.

The get_AutoVolumeControlRepeatDelay method retrieves the current value of the AutoVolumeControlRepeatDelay property. The property specifies the delay, in milliseconds (ms), before a volume button starts repeating when it is held down.

The get_AutoVolumeControlRepeatPeriod method retrieves the current value of the AutoVolumeControlRepeatPeriod property. The property controls the period, in milliseconds (ms), of button repeats when a volume button is held down.

The get_AutoVolumeControlStep method retrieves the current value of the AutoVolumeControlStep property. The property determines the amount that the phone volume is adjusted when the volume button is pressed.

The get_PhoneHandlingEnabled method retrieves the current value of the PhoneHandlingEnabled property.

The get_Ringer method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the phone is currently performing an incoming ring that was initiated by the StartRinger method on this interface.

The get_SelectedCalls method retrieves a VARIANT containing a pointer to a collection object indicating which calls are currently selected on this phone. See ITAutomatedPhoneControl::SelectCall for more information.

The get_Tone method returns a PHONE_TONE enum value indicating the type of tone, if any, that the phone is currently playing.

The put_AutoDialtone method sets the value of the AutoDialtone property.

The put_AutoEndOfNumberTimeout method sets the value of the AutoEndOfNumberTimeout property. The property specifies how long to wait after a digit has been pressed before it is assumed that the entire number has been gathered.

The put_AutoKeypadTones method sets the AutoKeypadTones property for this phone. When this feature is enabled, a digit tone is automatically played whenever a keypad button is pressed.

The put_AutoKeypadTonesMinimumDuration method sets the value of the AutoKeypadTonesMinimumDuration property. The property specifies how long to play keypad tones on PBS_DOWN.

The put_AutoStopRingOnOffHook method sets the AutoStopRingOnOffHook property. When this feature is enabled, the phone going offhook results in the termination of any incoming ring produced on the phone (via a call to ITAutomatedPhoneControl::StopRinger).

The put_AutoStopTonesOnOnHook method sets the AutoStopTonesOnOnHook property for this phone.

The put_AutoVolumeControl method sets the AutoVolumeControl property for this phone.

The put_AutoVolumeControlRepeatDelay method sets the AutoVolumeControlRepeatDelay property. The property specifies the delay, in milliseconds (ms), before a volume button starts repeating when it is held down.

The put_AutoVolumeControlRepeatPeriod method sets the AutoVolumeControlRepeatPeriod property. The property controls the period, in milliseconds (ms), of button repeats when a volume button is held down.

The put_AutoVolumeControlStep method sets the AutoVolumeControlStep property. The property determines the amount that the phone volume is adjusted when the volume button is pressed.

The put_PhoneHandlingEnabled method sets the PhoneHandlingEnabled property.

The SelectCall method selects the current phone object onto the Call object pointed to by the pCall parameter.

The StartRinger method starts the phone's ringer, specifying the ring mode and the duration of the ring.

The StartTone method sends control tones.

The StopRinger method ceases any incoming ring that is currently being produced. If no ring is being produced, the method performs no action and returns success.

The StopTone method ceases any tone that is currently being played. If no tone is being played, the method performs no action and returns success.

The UnselectCall method removes the specified call from this phone object, releasing the phone object's reference to the call object.


An ITAutomatedPhoneControl pointer becomes invalid when the ITPhone::Close method is called.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)

See also

