CWbemProviderGlue::GetInstanceByPath(LPCWSTR,CInstance**,MethodContext*) method (wbemglue.h)

[The CWbemProviderGlue class is part of the WMI Provider Framework which is now considered in final state, and no further development, enhancements, or updates will be available for non-security related issues affecting these libraries. The MI APIs should be used for all new development.]

The GetInstanceByPath method retrieves the instance identified by a particular object path by calling the provider GetObject method.


HRESULT GetInstanceByPath(
  LPCWSTR       pszObjectPath,
  CInstance     **ppInstance,
  MethodContext *pMethodContext



An object path to the instance to be returned.


A pointer to a pointer to a CInstance instance used to store the new instance. The framework provider that performs the request must release this pointer.


A pointer to the current context. A context must be provided to prevent deadlocks. Either use the context passed into the provider by Provider::EnumerateInstances or Provider::ExecQuery, or else obtain it from the instance using CInstance::GetMethodContext. This parameter must not be NULL.

Return value

Returns WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if the operation was successful, WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY if the operation failed due to lack of memory, or any other HRESULT error code.


The GetInstanceByPath method allows framework providers to access data from another provider without requiring a WMI API call. Framework providers pass the object path of an instance to GetInstanceByPath, which returns the instance.

In the current version of the provider framework, pszInstancePath must resolve to be an instance path on the same computer.

Although pMethodContext has a default value of NULL, a context must be provided to prevent deadlocks. Either use the context passed into the provider by Provider::EnumerateInstances or Provider::ExecQuery, or else obtain it from the instance using CInstance::GetMethodContext.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header wbemglue.h (include FwCommon.h)
Library FrameDyn.lib
DLL FrameDynOS.dll; FrameDyn.dll