ISettingsEngine::ApplySettingsContext method (wcmconfig.h)

Applies a settings context.


HRESULT ApplySettingsContext(
  [in]  ISettingsContext *SettingsContext,
  [out] LPWSTR           **pppwzIdentities,
  [out] SIZE_T           *pcIdentities


[in] SettingsContext

The context that contains the setting data to apply.

[out] pppwzIdentities

Identities of the namespaces that were applied to the system in a string format.

[out] pcIdentities

The number of identities in pppwzIdentities.

Return value

This method returns an HRESULT value. S_OK indicates success.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wcmconfig.h
DLL SMIEngine.dll

See also
